The first time a baby tastes medicine, he cries. So he's pacified with something sweet. In the absence of sweet, water is offered to dilute the drug's bitterness. And eventually it disappears. So does the baby's tears. All, with time. Nobody teaches him to cry when the first drop of that dark liquid grazes his lips. He does so because…
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How many times while reading the newspaper or flipping through news channels on the television have you thought to yourself, “I wish there was something more positive to cheer up my day” or “How depressing are all these headlines”? I am sure each one of us has, at one point or the other, experienced that emotion. Media today is filled…
We absolutely love education initiatives. And more so when they are reminiscent of something from the childhood. PenPal Schools is one such. An online learning community, PenPal Schools connects its students with a partner from around the world to discover and learn about other cultures, languages, people, issues and perspectives. Learners (usually between ages 9 and 22) from different backgrounds share…