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From the iconic Scott Seems to Andrew Solomon to our very own Criss Jami, time after time, there’s one thing all these people have agreed on and that is ‘you ought to have that sense of humour!’ And as Criss Jami puts it—”Everyone has a sense of humour. If you aren’t laughing at your jokes, you are probably laughing at someone else’s opinion”. In the 7th episode of Twice As Wise: Season 2, Deepak delves a bit deeper.
He talks about his encounter with Sophie, a woman he met in France and her life lesson which changed not only his perspective in life but helped him have a different outlook towards helpless situations altogether! Deepak recalls a few funny incidents; and oh, have you heard of the course ‘to be a clown’ yet? No, not kidding, it is very much real. Don’t believe me? Head to our newest episode tonight. Link below.



About The Author

Project FUEL, founded in 2009 by Deepak Ramola, collects life lessons from people all over the world and turns them into interactive and performance activities, to pass on the learnings. The passing on happens by way of workshops, seminars, and sometimes even over coffee. Every life is important and so is what each person's life teaches them. At FUEL, life lessons are continuously collected, documented, thought about deeply and then turned into performance activities. This ensures that you don't just hear someone's lesson in words but experience it tangibly, and apply it practically in your own life. The organization seeks to build a community of young adults who live, learn and share in order to make meaningful psycho-social and emotional contribution to their lives, and the society at large. A life lesson that comes to us from another human being can shine light on the understanding of our own life. Hence the name FUEL, which stands for Forward the Understanding of Every Life Lesson.

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