We heard you. All your messages, DMs, calls and all the overwhelming love that you showered on us for the first season of “Twice as Wise” and we couldn’t help but get back! So here we are, kickstarting 2019 with a fresh season of “Twice as Wise” over again. Narrated by none other than our homeboy Deepak Ramola aka the illuminati, we present to you ‘100 Ways to say I love you’ i.e. the very first episode of Twice as Wise, Season 2.
It is the same old drill. For years, we have been asked to share our favourite life lessons and this series aims to do just that. Short episodic videos that condense a piece of wisdom and offers ways in which you can weave it into your fabric of life.
The first in the series this time is an episode that encourages one to stop and take notice of unexpected love or maybe the little gestures that we often tend to overlook for they aren’t considered as grand as someone whispering “i love you-s” in the ears. In John Patrick’s words, “People say I love you all the time when they say, take an umbrella, it’s raining or hurry back in, it’s getting dark or even watch out you’ll break your neck..you just have to listen to it my dear!”
Inspired by the same, Deepak in the first episode of Twice as Wise Season 02 ponders upon a very important question in life i.e. he often wonders that the times we live in, do people really have acceptance of unexpected love”?
Watch the episode linked below, to find out.
Absolutely love it!