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Looking Up has never let me down! You remember growing up, the advice most adults offered us was simply this— ‘Neeche dekh ke chalo (Look down & walk). It was fairly a good one; especially handy for a dreamy eyed-curious child who runs the risk of stumbling over the next rock, if not paying attention. But somehow, I feel, we…

I’ve told this story so many times in different contexts. When I was in kindergarten, we were supposed to paint self-portraits on A3 papers. They were to fill the whole paper, which was a struggle for me as I usually drew and painted things very small, leaving a lot of white space on most papers. That day, I refused. For…

They say that if you truly want something, the entire universe conspires to help you achieve it. But here's the catch. Perhaps the universe doesn't work like a clairvoyant. Perhaps it cannot read minds. Perhaps it only catches signals. Signals of honest attempts and relentless efforts. Perhaps it sees us trying and failing, picking ourselves up over again, dusting away…

I first met Quentin Crisp on the recommended videos section on YouTube while watching a Maya Angelou poetry performance. I can’t really recall what it was that made me jump to the video and click. I guess the loud make up, the wrinkles that told a story and a captivating sharp look in the thumbnail of the image. Soon enough…
