Find your purpose and find your passion, they say. I always wondered what that meant. I always wondered what purpose I am born for. After reading countless self-help articles and watching innumerable TEDx videos, I started believing that doing social work to help people who do not have the same privileges as I do is my purpose in life. After…
Isn't it more than often that we plan an escapade from the sheer madness that the cities are? Far away from the hustle and bustle, the dust, the pace, the lifestyle and everything that overwhelms us from time to time. To a quieter place maybe? Where you can hear the streams flow, birds singing and live in the lap of…
They say that if you truly want something, the entire universe conspires to help you achieve it. But here's the catch. Perhaps the universe doesn't work like a clairvoyant. Perhaps it cannot read minds. Perhaps it only catches signals. Signals of honest attempts and relentless efforts. Perhaps it sees us trying and failing, picking ourselves up over again, dusting away…
Even now, when I travel in public buses, I raise my hand quietly for the conductor's attention. I never yell at him to get my ticket. I try to be as insignificant as possible, as invisible as possible to the naked eye as long as my work gets done. I know I deviate from practices essential to sustain life in…
“You’re a warrior. Warriors don’t give up and they don’t back down. Pick up your sword and fight.” This is a line that will always remind me of this wonderful person I'd met a year back. I still remember the day. It was 11th December 2017. I was waiting in the surgical ward of a renowned hospital in Johor Bahru,…
It shook me like a bad dream. I remember going through days, just hoping that it isn't real and anxious that any moment then, I would get a call or a text and it would all be better for good. I remember crying myself to sleep every single night and being scared of falling asleep, dreading my own dreams. I…
'It is both a blessing and a curse' he said, 'to be you'. I was almost caught off-guard by what he said. 'Your generation' he went on 'is flooded with options, opinions and access, to anything and everything at your fingertip' but the issue my child is 'you are lost, there is knowledge explosion and nobody knows what to consume…
In the last episode of ‘Twice As Wise’ Season 2, our beloved founder Deepak turns a storyteller. He narrates one of his favourite fables from the past, the one about this monk in a village and the lesson he'd learnt from the same. He also recalls meeting a monk at the foothills of a monastery on his first solo trip…
“At the stroke of the midnight hour, as the world sleeps...” a loudspeaker chirped somewhere outside. A nation was being born, the doctor informed us silently in stark darkness as it was probably an unwanted child. I was sitting right in the labour room listening to the suppressed moaning and despair of my motherland, somewhere on the newly drafted border…
From the iconic Scott Seems to Andrew Solomon to our very own Criss Jami, time after time, there's one thing all these people have agreed on and that is 'you ought to have that sense of humour!' And as Criss Jami puts it—"Everyone has a sense of humour. If you aren't laughing at your jokes, you are probably laughing at…